Denco Energy Management will work with you on several different levels. We can help you with any of the services and technologies we offer like your lighting upgrades, HVAC efficiency, or energy procurement. Or we can take a facility-wide approach in designing and installing comprehensive energy efficiency and water conservation system which can yield an overall savings of 10% to 30% savings on your utility costs. And, if desired, Denco can become your Energy Manager/Consultant, not only providing the technology but also continuous monitoring of your systems to track energy and water use and cost as well as identifying aberrant use in need of correction.

  • Denco Energy Management performs, at no charge or obligation, an energy and water savings evaluation of your facility. This evaluation may include a walkthrough and collection of data pertinent to your equipment and utility bills.

  • Whether it be lighting upgrades, an HVAC efficiency project, or a comprehensive system-wide savings program, once the savings potential is assessed, Denco Energy Management will perform a full energy audit from which we will custom design your project to address the specific needs of your project.

  • Once it’s designed, Denco Energy Management will install the entire project with little impact on your operation.

  • Denco Energy Management also has the ability to measure and verify the cost savings of your project providing you with ROI data while monitoring your energy and water usage beyond the scope of the project.

Our approach is aimed at not replacing your equipment, but rather, installing conservation measures that enhance the performance and extend the life of your existing equipment.

We manage the entire installation with minimum disruption of your operation.